
Our retreats connect mamas, mamas-to-be and those that work supporting them to nourishment (mind, body, soul), resources and each other. Inspired to express our values for wellness, sustainability, and creating community, we draw upon our backgrounds in healing and mama-care.

Lila Ann Frechette

At Esalen

Lila Ann is a nationally certified massage therapist with 14+ years experience assisting mamas (prenatal & postpartum), dancers and everyday folks achieve their wellness goals. As of November 2013, she is an Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapies (ATMAT) Practitioner. Her role as an ATMAT Practitioner, is one of an ally to wellness supporting women’s cycles (from menarche to menopause and everything in between), fertility, and digestion. Lila Ann has combined her loves for massage, herbal medicine and dance into a fruitful healing arts practice.


Lindsay Germain


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